The Leadership Alignment Workshop is a process that guides intact leadership or management teams through a transformation designed to leverage capabilities or overcome specific challenges and create dynamic business results. Through each phase of this proven approach, CMOE helps a leadership team identify and solve business issues, examine and improve team dynamics, and support the development of individual leaders.
During this customized journey, leadership teams develop partnerships that support the creation of business value, effectiveness, and growth through a spectrum of discovery, problem solving, and learning experiences.
The Leadership Team Alignment Workshop helps clients achieve extraordinary business results by focusing on three critical areas:
1) Identifying specific, high-priority opportunities for business improvement by
- Analyzing the issues
- Creating innovative solutions
- Developing implementation plans
- Tracking progress and maintaining accountability
2) Creating greater synergy and unity in solving the big problems that affect productivity, efficiency, and strategic change by
- Transforming the capabilities of the leadership team and the broader organization
- Opening lines of communication
- Enhancing collaboration and trust
3) Developing and enhancing the individual leader competencies and behaviors needed to
- Drive change
- Think and act strategically
- Solve problems and resolve differences
- Drive the organization to be more competitive
Phases of the Leadership Team Alignment Workshop
Phase I – Discovery
- Phase I is a fact-finding mission that occurs before the Alignment Session (Phase II). We look at the organization’s current situation and its strengths, limitations, and vulnerabilities. CMOE completes the following activities during Phase I.
- Gather data through face-to-face interviews, surveys, and assessments
- Clarify initial goals and desired outcomes of the alignment process
- Understand key business issues and strategies
- Review findings and agree on initial priorities and direction
- Design and plan an initial alignment session that addresses the unique needs of the leadership team and the organization
Phase II – Alignment Session
- Phase II is built around the first Alignment Session. The session generally involves members of the leadership team and is 1–2 days in length. There are five key components to the session:
- Reviewing findings from the Discovery phase
- Engaging in focused activities that develop the team’s ability to collaborate
- Pinpointing and prioritizing specific opportunities for improvement
- Launching multiple teams that begin solving challenges or developing innovative ideas
- Introducing CMOE’s resources, tools, and skill-building processes
Phase III – Execution and Sustainability
- Phase III’s focus is on consistency, accountability, and successful execution. With the support of a coach, teams continue to work on key priority areas and discover new solutions. This phase includes the following elements:
- Executing on plans
- Coaching team leaders
- Reviewing and evaluating progress, recommendations, and impact during a Results Forum
- Evaluating results, making decisions, and processing any necessary adjustments
- Planning next steps
Improved Business Results
Improve business results through CMOE’s Leadership Team Alignment Workshop
- Answer the following questions as a quick and easy way to determine if there are opportunities to improve your business results:
- Are you and other stakeholders satisfied with profitability margins?
- Are you satisfied with your sales and market share?
- Are you able to attract, retain, and engage talented people?
- Are your core business drivers and KPIs delivering the overall performance you need? (i.e. safety, quality, customer service, loss prevention, process effectiveness, and risk management)
- Is execution and follow-through on critical business initiatives lackluster?
- Is there too much conflict and not enough collaboration between executive or senior team members?
- Are your competitors gaining ground, catching up, or getting ahead of your position?
- Are the leaders on your team overly hesitant or too cautious to try new ideas and take risks?
- Are silos negatively affecting the alignment of departments and functions?
- Do you have the right culture to support the development of growth opportunities and new business strategies? (i.e. ownership, accountability, empowerment, and innovation)
- Do the leaders have the competencies and practice the behaviors needed for long-term, sustained growth?
Are you happy with your answers? If not, contact CMOE to talk about how the Leadership Team Alignment Workshop could be the right solution for you, your team, and your organization.
by 40 Years of Research
Leadership & Development Partner
Customer Satisfaction
to your Organization’s Needs
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